
Learn About These Three Incredibly Popular Bathroom Renovation Projects

bathroom renovation

Is this the year you’ve decided to remodel your bathroom?

Read below as we highlight the top 3 bathroom remodel ideas 2022 has to offer. You’ll find out quickly that your decision to upgrade your bathroom can be cost-efficient, convenient, and suitable to your stylistic tastes.

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Of course, working alongside the right bathroom renovation company will make the remodeling process less stressful and more hassle-free. But there’s still the matter of making the design decisions that best suit your tastes.

A bathroom renovation company can help you with functional details and provide a perspective on design. But the primary decisions rest on your shoulders. The end product will reflect your vision, or at least your planning.

So, how can you know you’re making the right decision for your bathroom renovation? What will ensure you end up with the bathroom of your dreams that’s both functionally sound and aesthetically pleasing?

The best place to start your research is by looking into the most popular bathroom renovations in the current homeowner landscape. 

Figuring out what’s trendy might seem unoriginal on the surface, but it’s logically sound. These tend to reflect the tenor of the times and will likely most suit your own tastes.

 As a society, we develop personal styles based on the era. There’s a reason everyone wore bell-bottoms and tie-dye in the 60s and flannel in the early 90s. As a collective conscience, our aesthetics evolve together.

So, when working with a bathroom renovation company, you must know the most popular design approaches of the day and age.

This way, you’ll end up with a timely, current end-product that suits your tastes. More importantly, choosing popular remodeling options will speak more to potential buyers if you’re renovating with selling in mind. In turn, they’ll be more inclined to make higher offers and generally be more eager to purchase.

With all this said, what are the most popular bathroom renovation options out there? We can say, confidently, they are stylish–but they’re more affordable than you think, too. :

Just like all restroom remodelings aren’t made equal, the same can be said for your choice of bathroom renovation company. 

The people you hire will make or break your entire experience, from the moment you get your first quote until the remodel is complete. Choosing the best possible bathroom renovation company will ensure you only spend what is required and save valuable time. You deserve your dream bathroom. More specifically, you deserve to have it at a price you can afford and as soon as humanly possible.

This all begs the question: who is your ideal bathroom renovation company? Who’s the difference-maker with affordable solutions that don’t shirk quality because they aren’t charging you an arm and a leg?

Provided you live in Connecticut, the answer is BathPlanet by BCI Acrylic. 

Is time an issue? Or, do you just not want people who aren’t family and friends in your home longer than they need to be?

Then BathPlanet–Connecticut’s number-one bathroom renovation company–is your ideal remodeling solution.


Well, there’s a possibility we can give you your dream remodel in as little as a day. Did you read that? We didn’t say a month. We didn’t say a week. We said a day. Of course, we can’t guarantee it’ll be that short of a process for your specific home. But we’ve established a longstanding reputation for quick work.

Most importantly, however, while we work fast, we also work efficiently–meaning we don’t make mistakes. Quality craftsmanship stays our top priority, along with speed and convenience.

We can make broad promises about quality all day, but they mean very little if we don’t get down to the nitty-gritty details. You deserve to know what you’ll get–and what we promise–with the BathPlanet full bathroom renovation experience.

Right away, we’ll tell you that our showers, wall surrounds, tubs, and liners will last you years upon years. That’s a guarantee. Moreover, our astonishingly durable acrylic bath systems will hold strong against chipping, fading, and cracking.

And guess what–the hits keep coming. Our unrivaled Connecticut bathroom renovation company resists mold and mildew growth. Given that insurance companies don’t cover mold and the many dangers of being exposed to it, this feature is one of our top highlights. While we want our clients to live in a home that’s pleasing to the eye, we also want you to lead healthy lives and breathe clean air in your home.

Just because we prioritize safety and cleanliness doesn’t mean we sleep on design and aesthetics. These are core elements of our services as a bathroom renovation company. 

So, when we install a bathtub or shower, you can rest comfortably knowing they’ll be customized to fit within your existing space. And you won’t be limited to only a couple of choices. At BathPlanet, we offer a wide variety of patterns, colors, and designs to best fit your home’s layout and design.

We’ve told you what our Connecticut-based bathroom renovation company does, but allow us to put it all in a nutshell. When you hire us, these are the non-negotiables that we promise to our customers:

Remember, at BathPlanet, we’re homeowners ourselves. We’re fully aware of the trust you’re putting into your chosen craftsmen during any given remodeling progress. 

Right when you contact us for a quote, the onus is solely on us to prove you’ve made the choice that’s best for you and your family.

We intend to offer you the best of all worlds, mixing exceptional pricing, unparalleled quality, and lightning-quick timing. But it goes even further for this Connecticut-based bathroom renovation company. 

That’s why we’ll be there with you every step of the way, offering our expertise in giving you the best possible end-product. Simultaneously, however, it’ll also seem like we aren’t even there. BathPlanet promises to not get in your way or impede your life during a remodel. 

Again, we’re homeowners. The stresses involved in construction aren’t beyond us. 

Thus, we do everything in our power to help you rest easy and get on with your day-to-day while we do what we do best–give you the bathroom of your dreams.

An investment in your home is never something that should be taken lightly. As much as we’re enthusiastic about working with you, we want you to be comfortable with us. Our process for bathroom renovations is fully transparent. And while we are craftsmen, the most important thing we build is our relationships–built on trust–with our clients.

So, give us a call or shoot us an email. From there, we hope to start the client-renovator relationship that gives you the bathroom of your dreams at the most affordable price. Don’t put it off any longer–you deserve to live the way you’ve always wanted: in a fully-renovated bathroom that makes you feel like royalty. 

Before reaching out to us, you should also know that we provide limited lifetime warranties and up to 60 months of financing. And–as was already discussed–we can even complete your full remodel in a single day.

tub to shower conversion

Bathroom renovations don’t need to be all or nothing. 

In some instances, it might not make financial sense. In others, it could be a logistical issue. Or, maybe, you like most of your bathroom, save for a few crucial elements–so why reinvent the wheel, so to speak?

One of those switches you can make is hiring a bathroom renovation company to complete a tub to shower conversion (or vice versa). 

But again, there still remain the issues involved in a full renovation. Who wants their home to be filled with contractors and craftsmen for days at a time? 

Don’t get us wrong, all homeowners eventually grit their teeth and get the upgrades. Yet, they tend to put it off as long as humanly possible.

With something like a tub to shower or shower to tub conversion, it makes even more sense that you’d hold back. Who wants to deal with a litany of headaches on account of one change in their home?

You might also be turned off by the idea of shelling out your hard-earned savings–a very understandable problem to have.

Fortunately, those living in Connecticut seeking a tub to shower conversion (or vice versa) don’t need to worry about getting raked over the financial coals. Nor do they need to concern themselves with the potential for construction-based nightmares, where craftsmen live in their homes for months on end. 

 You can get one step closer to the bathroom of your dreams by hiring Connecticut’s #1 choice for a tub to shower conversion, that being BathPlanet.

Our main promise to anyone contacting us for a free consultation is that our guidance and expertise will solely focus on meeting your needs.

It doesn’t matter your motivations for wanting a tub to shower conversion or shower to tub conversion. You might want to just save some time every morning before work. It could be you want a tub just to melt away your tension and gather your thoughts after a long, draining day. 

Regardless of your preference, we’ll work tirelessly, quickly, and efficiently to give you the type of bathroom setup that provides the related, sought-after benefits.

There’s one word we want to highlight from the above paragraph, that being “quickly.” 

When you hire BathPlanet, you aren’t hiring a team that creates nightmarish, worst-case scenarios. You’re bringing on skilled craftsmen that make your dreams come true. And our materials fit seamlessly into your existing bath area since they’re customer-designed to do just that in the most streamlined fashion. 

We also promise that you’ll have plenty of styles and colors to choose from, enough to suit the aesthetic tastes of almost each and every Connecticut homeowner. All at a price that won’t make you sweat.

Hiring us for your tub to shower conversion also comes with high-quality materials that offer infinite value. Our bathtubs are robust and durable, comprised of non-porous acrylic, which is well-known for not cracking or chipping and being easy to maintain. 

Also–we’ve thought about factors such as cleaning and scrubbing. As much as your home is a castle, life gets busy, and it’s difficult to always keep up with chores. Plus, even if you keep up with a cleaning schedule, who wants to sweat over scrubbing and bleaching hard-to-eliminate grout?

With the above sentiments in mind, our tubs are grout-free. Our trademark triple-lock seal installation offers a water-tight finish. The result? Impenetrability against any water trying to sneak its way underneath. 

How confident are we in our work and overall product at BathPlanet? We offer a limited lifetime warranty.

We’ll also point out the up to 60 months of financing we make available to our clients. You deserve the bathroom of your dreams, and we want to do everything in our power to provide it to you at BathPlanet. 

And remember–BathPlanet is the rare breed of craftsmen that provides high-level services at prices that you can afford. Bathroom renovations companies like us don’t come around too often.

It’s always been our goal to be Connecticut’s #1 bathroom renovation company. We hold ourselves to the highest possible standards and ensure we stick by our values and principles to execute our projects seamlessly and with top-notch craftsmanship. 

What are some of those principles we speak of?

Is it Finally Time for Your Tub to Shower Conversion (Or Shower to Tub Conversion)? Then Get in Touch with BathPlanet Today.

All that sits between you and your dream bathroom is about a day’s work, give or take. Get in touch with BathPlanet, and we’d be happy to provide you with a 100% FREE estimate. 

We know it might seem too good to be true, but it’s not. Just visit our website, and you’ll see plenty of client testimonials (and photographs) speaking to our reputation of affordability, swiftness, efficiency, and unparalleled quality of work. 

custom tub

Connecticut has a diverse population of homeowners with their own specific needs. 

At BathPlanet, we view ourselves as the bathroom renovation company of the people. And we couldn’t make such a bold claim if we didn’t offer services/products appropriate for all clients. We’re not ones to make statements or promises we can’t back up with our actions.

For the above reason, we install walk-in showers for customers with limited mobility. Everybody deserves the bathroom of their dreams, and for many people, that includes safety and comfort. 

There’s, of course, the matter of functionality. Getting into your shower shouldn’t be intimidating or daunting in any way, shape, or form. 

But there’s also the peace of mind in knowing you don’t need to be anxious every time it’s time to have a shower. Instead, you can just relax and enjoy a nice hot shower in a beautifully upgraded bathroom.

The first thing you should know is how hassle-free BathPlanet’s walk-in shower installation will be. 

It’s already stressful enough when you (or your loved one) are going through mobility problems. So, know that BathPlanet is here to alleviate those worries, not pile onto them.

Our showers are installed quickly, with the utmost skill and craftsmanship. They typically don’t take up more space than any existing tub or shower. They also stand tough against daily wear and tear and are built with superior quality, are highly durable, and require minimal maintenance. 

Then there’s our non-porous system that offsets dirt and grime buildup, fighting against harmful mold and mildew. 

Here are a few of the features you’ll come to trust with BathPlanet’s walk-in showers:

Safety and comfort are top of mind with these features. Whether this upgrade is for you or a loved one, you’ll breathe much easier knowing you have a shower that prioritizes wellbeing most of all. 

And guess what? We offer highly affordable options on top of top-notch quality. Safety shouldn’t come down to having enough money to afford it. It’s an everyday essential, and we’re here to ensure your home is a safe haven.

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Expect the following from BathPlanet when you hire us as your bathroom renovation company for your walk-in shower installation:

Whether you want a complete renovation, a tub to shower conversion (or vice versa), or a walk-in shower installation, BathPlanet is the #1 bathroom renovation company in all of Connecticut. 

Contact us today for an Estimate. You’d be surprised at how affordable your dream bathroom can be. 

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